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Join the Movement

You have it in your power to increase the sum total of this world's happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.

Want to get involved?

  • ​You can donate supplies for notes to help Joy with her efforts in the DFW area

    • Spreadjoy 24-7 | P.O. Box 1271 | Colleyville, TX  76034​

  • You can write your own notes (distribute them in your area or send them to me) - Please make sure to keep the notes general in nature with positive uplifting messages. To be as inclusive as possible, we ask that you avoid adding overtly religious sayings so that our notes can reach as many as possible. Be sure to add the URL to all your notes so we can keep the message alive!

  • Let us know if you are part of a group that would like to make this a service project in your area! We'll help you with ideas on getting the SpreadJoy 24-7 movement started in your community!

  • Share our website on your social media pages! Tag us @spreadjoy247 and use the hashtag #spreadjoy247.

Click the W to get a document that will make it easier to start writing letters for spreadjoy24-7, please print the first 2 pages(front and back works great!) for your letter writers, when hosting a writing event to use, and then any additional  quote examples you like or tweak it and use some of your own -THANK YOU!!
Click the P to read the awesome Woman's World Article from April 2017 !!
  • Instagram - Black Circle
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